Try to talk in English and add fun to life.

1#    Kristine_XY    
2022-5-23 14:46
I am a student in Beijing and now the farthest place I could go was the small diagonal corner of the south gate, which was less than 300 meters away in a straight line. I declare that I firmly support the epidemic prevention policy first. But recent life is really boring. So let's make some fun. Tell me what you like, what you heat, or recommend a book, a film, everything is OK.
The only thing you need to remember is that the reply must contain English. If you don't like it, you don't need to be all in English.
Come on!
2#    @Sarah    
2022-5-23 16:09
I have to say, we are just in the same situation. So far, the good news I've ever received is getting my own packages finally. But no getting out really sucks.
3#    neu.mjj    
2022-5-23 22:44
4#    SRxiaoming    
2022-5-24 08:14
You god damn it genius
5#    不自量力的还手    
2022-5-24 08:32
说个我朋友圈好几年前发的段子 “明明是中国人,说话非要加上几个English,搞得好像这样特别highbig上一样,烦都烦die 了”
6#    duochiDIan    
2022-5-24 09:10
I want to write a article.
7#    Kristine_XY    
2022-5-24 09:31
@Sarah 发表于 2022-5-23 16:09
I have to say, we are just in the same situation. So far, the good news I've ever received is gettin ...

Thanks for your reply. Everything will be OK~
8#    z2470443229    
2022-5-24 09:33
9#    Kristine_XY    
2022-5-24 09:36
duochiDIan 发表于 2022-5-24 09:10
I want to write a article.

Write an article? That's what I am doing now, too. What a coincidence! Come on! We can get to it!
10#    Kristine_XY    
2022-5-24 09:46
不自量力的还手 发表于 2022-5-24 08:32
说个我朋友圈好几年前发的段子 “明明是中国人,说话非要加上几个English,搞得好像这样特别highbig上一样 ...

Yes, you can express your personal opinion while abiding by the rules.
But why not make it more positive but not aggressive?
Be an amicable person, buddy.
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